Right back at the end of 2022, I started to think about how we needed to bring new Directors to the NFORC table.

I realised how much of a bottle neck I’d become for the Club and that Ve and I needed some help. Director level help.

Although I’m a big believer in collaboration, when it comes to decision making, I think it’s powerful to have one person as the ultimate decision maker. In NFORC that’s me 👋.

Before I hand over the reins, I want what we stand for, our values and ethics to be embeded DEEP into our community culture. Yvoun Chouinard talks about his leadership style being ‘MBA’. Management by Absence. Once he’d set up the core values of Patagonia and appointed and developed a senior leadership team that he trusted, he stepped away. Now, once a year, he gathers the senior team and takes them on a trip so that everyone stays in touch with the purpose and mission of the business. 




I dream of that for NFORC. It’s already happening. I know that Sue, champions our Club’s values in rooms I’m not in. In fact, one of my highlights of being involved in NFORC so far has been witnessing Sue point out to an event organiser that calling the longer ride ‘The Club Man 100” could be seen as exclusionary by some. It hadn’t even crossed my mind.

Anyway, I sat down and thought about what we needed in new Directors. I wrote up a Director Pack and distributed it in our channels. I had 4 conversations with excellent women who had registered interest. Each one would have been an excellent addition to our team.

I didn’t want to rush the decision making, I’ve heard too many stories of Directors falling out, blocking the important work that needs to be done. I wanted a recruitment process with clear understanding as to what people’s motivations were to be involved.

I’m beyond thrilled to introduce Sue and Jo as the new New Forest Off Road Club Directors. They will join Vedangi and I, making us a board of 4 Directors.

“As a new Director of the NFORC, I’m thrilled to be part of a community that seeks to empower and create space for women in the outdoor world. I’m proud to be a part of something so special, and hope to bring a variety of skills to the role: my passion for getting more women out on bike-based adventures, experience from sitting on the board of wonderful Oxford-based cycling Club the Cowley Road Condors, and my background organising events including Outspoken, which celebrates women in cycling.

Having recently moved to the New Forest, I can't wait to start working with the rest of the Directors, and look forward to meeting lots of you on party pace rides in the Forest soon!”

We’re excited for Jo to elevate what we’re doing by bringing some of the structure of Cowley Road Condors and her experience in organising incredible events.

Jo is a perfect fit for the next version of The New Forest Off Road Club. More about the journey than the end goal, Jo is someone who builds what they can’t see. We need more people like Jo in the world and we are thrilled to have her on board (and on our board).

“I’m delighted to join the board of Directors for New Forest Off Road Club.

It’s really important to me that we continue to help folks get outside and active on their cycles, and that we help them understand, connect with and enjoy the very unique and special qualities of The New Forest.

Currently, there is work to be done advocating for an improved, better connected off road cycling network in The New Forest.

I hope that skills developed throughout a career in education combined with many decades spent living in, working in and exploring the New Forest by foot and bike will be useful in helping create a better future for cycling and for the Forest.

Over the last few years I’ve been involved with a variety of projects to support the Club:

  • Representing the Club on the New Forest Cycle Working Group

  • Representing the Club at Forestry England’s Annual Cycle Conference

  • Representing the Club as part of Project FIAS : A research project addressing gender inequality in mountain biking

  • Setting up the Club’s Community Interest Company bank account and helping oversee it.

  • Helping monitor the Facebook group and Club email account

  • Helping design and deliver our first guided weekend at Burley YHA

  • Leading social rides

  • Delivering a few talks for our PAST series and hosting some

  • Designing and delivering some bespoke guided tours

  • Organising ‘bike and seeks’

  • Helping run Cycling UK Big Bike Revival Sessions

I’m looking forward to working with Nic, Vee, Jo, our ride leaders, our cycling community and our wider partners to continue helping shape the future of New Forest Off Road Club.”

Following Sue on Instagram will bring joy to your life, you can read about Sue’s love for e bikes here.

From the minute I met Sue, I’ve been basking in the glory of her wisdom. On a 5 mile ride, Sue had brought with her what she needed for a years tour. Noted, I thought, perhaps being prepared is a good thing. Sue’s story telling skills are incredible and every time I get to see her in action I feel lucky.

It took months (perhaps years) of convincing Sue to be a Director so her eventual yes and this appointment feels very poignant. I’m excited for Sue to continue being a pillar of our community, this time in a Director capacity.

Please join me in welcoming Sue and Jo and make sure you’re subscribed to our newsletter so you can be the first to know about all NFORC news.


