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Join us for an evening of story telling, good food and connection. On Friday the 7th February, 3 women in our community will share their experiences of being on two wheels.

The P.A.S.T adventure series spotlights the amateur. The person who already won by getting to the starting line. The person who got out of the rut and went on an adventure. The person who had 9 hours without the kids so went to the forest for a camp out before being back for the school run in the morning.

We're not doing anything the best, or for the first time. We're not the fastest and we're not being sponsored. There's no medal at the end. We're powered by optimism a curious spirit and we're just f*****g doing it.

Our fabulous hosts Velo Domestique will be serving a plant based dish, available for £8.

Want to know a little more about what to expect? Read this round up from last years series.

This series is designed to encourage people to get out there, in whatever way they want to.

We can't wait to see you there ✌️

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31 January

Group Ride

14 February