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We would like to welcome you to the P.A.S.T adventure series. On Friday the 3rd of November, 3 women in our community will share their experiences of being on two wheels.

  • 17 year old Cece Balfour will be telling the story of her Norfolk adventure riding the Rebellion Way, a cycling UK route inspired by Boudicas' legacy, with a group of powerful women. The stats from Ce Ce's adventure include 3 bikes, 3 mums, 3 types of trailer, 1 baby, 1 toddler, 1 teenager, these are the kind of ride stats NFORC can get on board with. "Sharing skills, children, love and laughter. This is the matriarchy at it's finest" We can't wait to hear Ce Ce's story.

  • Our second story teller Martine, set out in the May half term to ride the Devon coast to coast with a sprightly crew of 3 adults and 2 kids (6 & 8). We'll hear all about the laughs, tears, scraped knees and memories made whilst out on the trail and how parents can set about tackling a bikepacking adventure with kids in tow.

  • Our final story teller is Komoot Editor, Alice Baddeley. In August, Alice set out to ride in a 340 degree northerly direction for 800 miles from her home in Shoreham beach to Oldshoremore beach in the highlands. Travelling solo, camping most nights and riding off road, we'll hear all about the route and what prompted her to set out on this straight line adventure!

The P.A.S.T adventure series spotlights the amateur. The person who already won by getting to the starting line. The person who got out of the rut and went on an adventure. The person who had 9 hours without the kids so went to the forest for a camp out before being back for the school run in the morning.

These are the stories that aren't told in the media. We're not doing anything the best, or for the first time. We're not the fastest and we're not being sponsored. There's no medal at the end. We're powered by blissful ignorance and naive optimism and we're just f*****g doing it.

This series is designed to encourage people to get out there, in whatever way they want to.

We can't wait to see you there ✌️

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31 October

Group Ride

12 November

Group Ride